
Tester perfumes are versions of original perfumes that are distributed primarily for promotional purposes or for use in retail stores. Typically, they are identical to the commercial version in terms of fragrance and quality, but come in packages without the packaging or decorations typical of retail versions.

These testers are used to allow customers to try the fragrance before making a purchase and are often provided to retailers to display perfumes on the counter or for demonstrations. Shoppers can then test the fragrance to see if it suits their skin and if they like it before purchasing the full version.

Typically, tester perfumes sell for a slightly lower price than packaged versions and can be an affordable option for those who want to experience a high-quality fragrance without paying full price for packaging. However, it is important to note that perfume testers may not be available for all fragrances and that return or exchange policies may vary by retailer.

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Availability: 5 In Stock


Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue, la quintessenza della gioia di vivere e della seduzione alla Dolce&Gabbana.Tutta l’essenza delle assolate giornate estive e delle serate luminose, racchiusa in questa fragranza briosa, fresca, floreale e dalle note fruttate, che rievoca la sensualità del Mediterraneo.
La vivacità del cedro siciliano, unito alla freschezza croccante della mela anticipa lo splendido bouquet di gelsomini in piena fioritura e le delicate rose bianche. Il legno di cedro fragrante si intreccia con la sensualità dell'ambra e la suggestiva delicatezza del muschio.

Burberry – MR Burberry Eau De Parfum 100 ml

€132.00 €65.00 -€67.00
Availability: 1 In Stock
  • Tester
  • Vivi l’atmosfera notturna unica delle vivaci strade di Londra! L’eau de parfum da uomo Burberry Mr. Burberry ti avvolge in un’aura misteriosa e sensuale che è fatta su misura per te, proprio come l’iconico trench nero del marchio.
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